Tale #57 — Skilled Hands, Heavy Hearts

The Keeper has finally made it to Eldrinar to confront some old ghosts. In the previous tales in the trilogy, we’ve seen our boy go through themes present throughout the texts of the Bible and the lives we live as followers of Christ. Forgiveness, reconciliation, redemption, new life. Now, though,… Continue reading

Tale #56 – Old Friends and Old Stories

Continuing on my brief hiatus from the stories of Genesis, our friend the Keeper is off to the Palladium to visit his friend Lysander and talk about old times over tea. It was Lysander’s doing that lead to the keeper leaving the choir of warsingers to join the ranks of… Continue reading

Tale #55 – Restitution

The Keeper finds himself traveling in the Sea of Grass – a portion of the realm of Austwaine marked by rolling hills and high grasslands. Sitting beside his campfire one night, he is joined by someone who started out an enemy but would leave as something else. Forgiveness is something… Continue reading

Tale #4 – Redemption Stories

I have always been a sucker for redemption stories. This is particularly true during the Easter season, when we not only tell stories that involve a character’s redemption – but recount the redemption story at the heart of our faith. The one where God redeemed, and is still working out… Continue reading