IRP Victoriana: Session 3 – The Edna Equation

In the House of Doyle… August, 1856 At the home of Mr and Mrs Henry Doyle, the adventurers begin the investigation into the disappearance of Henrietta and Michael. But along the way, a certain cook becomes a pivot point for more than one of the group. Monsieur Joyeux returns to… Continue reading

IRP Victoriana: Session 2 | Part 2 – Kensington by Torchlight

A Kensington Evening, Conclusion August, 1856 The adventurers depart the British Museum for the affluent neighborhood of Kensington to call upon Mrs Henry Doyle. But along the way, they find that not all is quiet in the night. A most unwelcome gathering of Bolshevists are between them and their destination…… Continue reading

IRP Victoriana: Interlude | Stage Presence

Joyeux Comes Calling August, 1856 We take a night to look in on Monsieur Joyeux, a complex person of quiet mystery and diverse skills. Joyeux is summoned to a patron’s home where deft hands and quick wits are the order of the evening. Episode One Episode Two   The Cast… Continue reading

IRP Victoriana: Session 2 | Part 1 – Kensington by Torchlight

A Kensington Evening August, 1856 Six months have passed for the newest members of the Torchbearers Society, six months since the events at Zao Tzun Restaurant. The late evening of August 1856 finds our group huddled at a small table near the back of the Museum Tavern waiting with varied… Continue reading