Episode 2 – Lost Ships

bigpreview_Sci Fi - Post ApocalypticsGhost ships, legendary pirate vessels, mysterious hulks floating in the heavens. Episode 2 is full of MacGuffins to help you put together a story on sea, air, or the stars above.

Always remember that if you are listening to this podcast and one of our MacGuffins inspires you, pause the episode and go write that down. We love hearing about stories you guys have come up with because of something we mentioned, so feel free to send stories about how you plan on using them to contact@innroadsministries.com.

CE1LqEIXIAIrYH0Every month we want to share a bunch of story ideas around a theme. If you have an idea for a MacGuffin that you’d like to see us talk about, leave a comment below. And if you find your way over to iTunes, be sure to rate and review The MacGuffin Factory there so that other people can find us and join in on the story.

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  1. The story you discussed about the lost ship with fused sailors sounds like the Philadelphia Experiment which spawned a movie and is used in multiple rpg campaigns. I personally have used it for a superhero campaign element as well https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philadelphia_Experiment

  2. Event Horizon scared me to death. First off, I’m a total chicken. Second, saw it in theaters without realizing it was supposed to be scary. FACEPALM

  3. Even though you guys aren’t making any more of these podcasts, I just like listening to them to get the creative juices flowing. Your idea about having things on a derelict ship snap back to business-as-usual when someone steps on board helped spawn an idea in my The One Ring campaign. The story line will lead them to take ship and sail west to the Himring where they will find Maglor, a son of Feanor. Maglor is said to be the greatest in song of all the elves, and because it is said that elves can make people see the things that they sing about (see Tale of Aragorn and Arwen), and because Maglor has A LOT to be sorry for, the group will be taken back to the First Age of Middle Earth and experience world shaping events through Maglor’s perception. Still a bit in the planning phases, but thought I would share it.

    This episode also gave me the idea of adapting the AD&D module Expedition to the Barrier Peaks to a Victoriana adventure. My wife and I have not started playing it yet, but the TV show Warehouse 13 got us into steampunk genre and so our concept is to have our association be a group working for Warehouse 12. (If you don’t know what I’m taking about, please see the show. Well worth your time.) My thoughts are that someone finds a mea culpa buried in the last writings of Leonardo Da Vinci stating that a lot of his ideas/inventions came from trying to figure out how things worked in the wreak of some great machine he found while hiking in the Alps as a child. The group is then sent off by Warehouse 12 to find this wreak and bring back what items might be a little too dangerous to have on the streets of Europe.

    Must say, I miss your podcast, but life comes first.

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