“Speak The Oath” Contest to Commemorate Bard & Bible’s Anniversary

One year ago, I sat down at the computer to come up with a new podcast to add to the InnRoads Ministries audio repertoire.  I knew I wanted something that would force me to get back into studying and preparing like I did back when I was leading youth groups. No… Continue reading

Animo – I choose you!

I was introduced to collectible card games the summer I turned fifteen. I’d been going to the local game store a lot, playing Warhammer 40k, but there was always time between matches where I had nothing to do. During one of these down times, my friends asked if I wanted… Continue reading

Indulgent Themes

I grew up playing trick-taking games. Hearts, Spades, or the occasional round of Rook. They got my whole family to the table, sure, but what for? I was a kid. The idea of playing cards with numbers on them bigger than the other players’ numbers was hardly a thrilling concept.… Continue reading

Empires Over Engines

There is a bleak beauty that runs throughout the artwork in Scythe. Artist Jakub Rozalski does an amazing job of world building in his images of hulking mechs lumbering in the distance as poor farmers toil in the fields in the foreground. It’s an alternate history where black smoke chugs… Continue reading

Gen Con Preview 2: Electric Boogaloo

When I posted my initial preview list of games releasing at Gen Con this year – I commented about being overwhelmed by the number of titles I was interested in. As such, despite a number of companies without any games announced for the list, I wrote my preview anyway. There certainly wasn’t… Continue reading

Mike’s Gen Con 50 Preview

The Board Game Geek Gen Con Preview recently went up. I’ve brought it upon myself in years past to sift through this preview and give what I think are the highlights for those making their way to Indianapolis. When I’ve done this before, I’ve tried to give some time for the BGG list to fully… Continue reading

The War Within

The same power flows through all of them. The same source rose up in the world to crush a common foe. The same voice calls each of them to unification. And yet, the Phoenixborn are at a crossroads. Will unity come as the powerful stand together for the mutual benefit of… Continue reading

Miniatures Painting for Beginners Part 3: What the Flock?

Welcome to Miniature painting for beginners part 3, if you have not read part 1 or 2 yet I would suggest you check it out Part 1 and Part 2 Part of creating beautiful miniatures is making the bases look awesome as well. The picture above is an example of “advanced” basing job.… Continue reading