Conapalooza Bound!

I had a chance to set up a booth and run a booth at a local con called Conapolooza here in Kingsport! I’ve been to DragonCon, GenCon, and GaryCon, but never one like this. A smaller, more intimate setting than those larger events I’d become accustomed to. I was nervous… Continue reading

The Backstory Project

Anyone who has ever gone through the act of character creation in an RPG understands the concept of a backstory. It’s what goes beyond the math and the dice rolling and gives your character a place in the world you’re playing in. They are as varied as the people who… Continue reading

InnRoads Unplugged

The Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) started out as an almost strictly video game event in Seattle, Washington. Based off of the popularity of their webcomic and driven by their passion for gaming and technology – PAX eventually grew to include PAX East, South, and a convention has even launched in… Continue reading

Gen Con 2018 Preview

Over the past couple of years I’ve made a point of sifting through the myriad of titles supposedly releasing at Gen Con for that year. The list has taken on a dual nature over that time. Partly this list is to give those who are new to the larger world of… Continue reading

More Than Adequate Wisdom

When Kingdom of Solomon (KoS) was released by Minion Games back in 2012, it was good. Solid worker placement, interesting thematic framework, and folks generally enjoyed it if you go back and watch or read those who reviewed it. Now Wisdom of Solomon (WoS) is wrapping up its Kickstarter campaign… Continue reading

Tavern Con 2018

It is that time of the year again. The time when the weather begins to get warmer, the days have gotten just about as long as they’re going to get, and gamers come out to Stonecrest Community Church – 11 Technology Dr North in Warren, New Jersey to play tabletop games… Continue reading

Top 10 Tips to Have Your Best International Tabletop Day

International Tabletop Day (ITTD) was created by the folks at Geek & Sundry in 2013 to celebrate the wonders of tabletop gaming and encourage gamers to support their local gaming stores. In the years that followed, International Tabletop Day has given gamers all over the world an excuse to spend all… Continue reading

A Different Language

I spent years recruiting and training people to work with high school and junior high students. In every church, regardless of size or denomination, there were always those I pursued in this effort that I felt were downright born for youth ministry but wanted nothing to do with it. While a… Continue reading