Tale #57 — Skilled Hands, Heavy Hearts

The Keeper has finally made it to Eldrinar to confront some old ghosts. In the previous tales in the trilogy, we’ve seen our boy go through themes present throughout the texts of the Bible and the lives we live as followers of Christ. Forgiveness, reconciliation, redemption, new life. Now, though, we have to deal with what it looks like to grieve. Grief is a hard thing, but a necessary one too. While the keeper had an enchanted weapon that made grieving challenging if not downright eternal, there are a lot of ways that we avoid interacting with parts of our story because we’ve never let ourselves truly feel them. As such, we’ve never allowed God’s healing to work through that pain.

We’ll be back in Genesis next episode. Thank you for allowing me to put on my “Inkling” hat for a bit and make some thematic fiction to explore these themes. I hope they have been a blessing. If you want to see more of them, just let me know.

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