Narrative Threads

Game Masters & Players Unite! Through the halls of Role Playing Game history, dating back to the first time dice were used to decide fate, the oft echoed lament of Game Masters can be heard… “My players are ruining my game!” Miniatures and character sheets go flying and the GMs… Continue reading

The REAL Power

There is a pattern that emerges when church folk discover my passion for tabletop gaming culture and the people that inhabit it. I can generally trace the arc from the moment the conversation starts. It is mostly honest inquiry, but occasionally the arc jumps to a place of confusion, fear,… Continue reading

All Together Now: Why The Tavern is Perhaps the Greatest Part of What We Do

When I discovered that the game Elder Sign had an electronic version designed just perfectly for my mobile device of choice, I was filled with glee. There is something approaching pure joy that arrives when the game comes to a crescendo to where one roll stands between world swallowing death… Continue reading