Cyclopaedia 17: Time Travel

Welcome to Cyclopaedia 17: Time Travel. Cyclopaedia is a monthly article on the InnRoads Ministries website as part of the Resources series. Having graduated with a degree in Physics, I have a love-hate relationship with the use of time travel in cinema, fiction, and games. When it is so outlandish and outside the realm of science, like… Continue reading

Cyclopaedia 16: Superheroes

Welcome to Cyclopaedia 16: Superheroes. Cyclopaedia is a monthly article on the InnRoads Ministries website as part of the Resources series. Superhero movies and television shows are the talk of the media and fans these days, superhero comics are seeing a bit of a resurgence, and superhero games are on our shelves. But is this really a… Continue reading

Cyclopaedia 15: Alternate History

Welcome to Cyclopaedia 15: Alternate History. Cyclopaedia is a monthly article on the InnRoads Ministries website as part of the Resources series. Ever get that feeling of déjà vu? You are positive you have experienced this very moment before? Perhaps you have. Perhaps someone just altered the timeline you are in, causing mild ripples all around your… Continue reading

Cyclopaedia 14: King Arthur

Welcome to Cyclopaedia 14: King Arthur. Cyclopaedia is a monthly article on the InnRoads Ministries website as part of the Resources series.  I remember watching Disney’s The Sword in the Stone as a kid and getting my first glimpse into the legends of King Arthur. Then over the years I watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail with great laughter and eventually the… Continue reading

Cyclopaedia 13: Sword and Sorcery

Welcome to Cyclopaedia 13: Sword and Sorcery. Cyclopaedia is a monthly article on the InnRoads Ministries website as part of the Resources series.  Number thirteen, the thirteenth article, unlucky thirteen, to some that does bode well. In a dark world full of sorcery and superstition, numbers can have meaning and perhaps foretell that which is yet to… Continue reading

Cyclopaedia 12: Fairies

Welcome to Cyclopaedia 12: Fairies. Cyclopaedia is a monthly article on the InnRoads Ministries website as part of the Resources series. This is a time for celebration. First, I am celebrating one year of writing Cyclopaedia. Thanks to everyone who has read the articles and encouraged me to continue with this monthly series. Second, Christmas quickly approaches… Continue reading

Cyclopaedia 11: Cyberpunk

Welcome to Cyclopaedia 11: Cyberpunk. Cyclopaedia is a monthly article on the InnRoads Ministries website as part of the Resources series. My first time seeing the movie Blade Runner altered my view of cinema and science fiction. The music of Vangelis, the noir narration, the movie’s aesthetic, and the replicant storyline melded together to coalesce as my permanent impression and passion… Continue reading

Doing Your Homework

If you are new to the board gaming hobby, it can be overwhelming. I’ve been neck deep in the hobby for years, and even I have a hard time keeping up with everything. Games that could only be found at a game store are now widely available on Amazon, as well… Continue reading

Cyclopaedia 10: Espionage

Welcome to Cyclopaedia 10: Espionage. Cyclopaedia is a monthly article on the InnRoads Ministries website as part of the Resources series.  As a kid, I grew up watching Get Smart, MacGyver, Mission Impossible, Six Million Dollar Man, and Wild Wild West. I also tried to watch James Bond movies whenever they were on TV with Sean Connery being my favorite bond. I loved watching spy shows to… Continue reading

Cyclopaedia 9: Wild West

Welcome to Cyclopaedia 9: Wild West. Cyclopaedia is a monthly article on the InnRoads Ministries website. The topic of the Wild West was voted upon by The Tavern Facebook group with a bit of encouragement from me. As a kid, I loved watching The Lone Ranger, The Cisco Kid, and The Rifleman. As I grew up, I found The Wild Wild… Continue reading