Tale #9 – Punching Gorbash

When I was a kid – I wore out the VHS tape I had of an animated movie called The Flight of Dragons. One of the characters in the story was a young, immature house dragon by the name of Gorbash. When the prophesied hero from the world of men arrives on his quest from antiquity – Gorbash asks a simple question – what good is he? So when it came time for me to name the little voice that lives in the back of my mind, telling me how worthless I was, I named him after the green-scaled upstart.

The funny thing about that voice is that he’s one hundred percent right – but he’s only telling part of the story. It is the fact that he’s right that actually makes his words impotent. In this tale, we talk about struggles, and how realizing Gorbash was just a punk was an important step to helping me deal with him when he appears. I’ll also share stories from the Tavern about the frustrations regulars have when well-meaning people try to help. Sometimes you can’t help. You can only walk with the person as they push through.

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